Saturday, April 13, 2013

Day Two ...

The day started off at around 7:15 in the lobby area of the hotel. We sat down after getting our buffet-style breakfast then departed back to Manhattan for an action-packed day.

Our first stop was in front of American’s Court house. We waited a few moments until our guide greeted us. They took us up and down the streets, showing us Chinatown, a surprisingly large portion of Manhattan with many Asians who spoke their mother language. It truly is amazing how there can be a culture within a culture.

Then we thanked out tour guides goodbye and hopped on the bus. Lunch contained a sandwich full of jelly and cream cheese (not my favorite but it is edible) with chips and a drink.  We ate while on the way to the Apollo Theater, known for their famous celebrities and acts. We met a lovely man named Billy who told us of the theater’s history. He’s quite the character, of course. Then, after the history lesson we were given a crash-course on how to be a rock star.

The eleven acts which volunteered to go up which followed being numbered and we were on our way to being rock stars. The acts included singing, cheering, dancing, cartwheels, and of course, the chicken dance! Each act was sure to rule the magic before performing.

Finally, after that concluded, the second to the last stop was the 9/11 Memorial. The hassle to get through security was well worth it as we walked into the gated area. The air was heavy and the memorial was silent.  We looked at the reflection pools, walking each one slowly to take in all the names. Close to 3,000 names lining each one. Many people outside and in the group cried as we were free to roam. It had quickly hit home what had happened on September 11th, 2001, others it sunk in slowly. We all paid our respects to the people who lost their lives.

We finished the day off with some cultural experiences, dining in either Chinatown or Little Italy.

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